Skype: satt.magnet1
Phone: 0086-555-5200288
Add: No.9, South Huolishan Avenue, Ma' anshan City, Anhui Province, P.R. China
For Magnet
1. Basic Inspection including integrity and dimension.
2. Magnetic Property Inspection including Br, Hcb, Hcj, BH(max), magnetic flux and magnetic surface intensity.
3. Strength Test
4. Salt Spray Test for corrosion resistance of neodymium magnet.
For Mn3O4
1. Physical Test including particle size distribution, specific surface area and density.
2. Chemical Test, content of key elements and Impurities.
For Motor
1. Basic Inspection including appearance and integrity.
2. Performance Test including locked-rotor current, 3-phase resistance, 3-phase current, insulation grade, protection class and vibration level.
For Equipment
We test parameters according to the feeding size, power, throughput, size, etc., required by customer.